Wednesday, December 16, 2015

তুমি তো আর শেখালেনা...
সাদার গায়ে রঙিন আঁচর কেটে,
কেমন ছবি জ্যীন্ত হয়ে ওঠে...

তুমি তো আর শেখালেনা...
গা ঘেঁষে বসা ফিসফিস স্তব্ধতা,
কোন মৃদুতালে আপনি হয় কবিতা..

তুমি তো আর শেখালেনা...
মুহূৰ্তগুলো ফ্ৰেমবন্দী করে,
সময়ও বেঁধে রাখা যায় হিমঘরে...

তুমি কিছুই শেখালেনা...

আদুল হাসি, হাঁসুলি আদর,
কাঁচামিঠে ঘুম, নিঝুম চাদর,
বোবা হাসি, ভেজা কান্না...
কিচ্ছুটি না...

আমি তবুও তো শিখলাম,

পিছুটানে সুর বাঁধলাম,
রোদ পোহানো যে ডাকনাম,
তোমার বেতার খামে রাখলাম..
আমি ভালোবাসাবাসি শিখলাম...
দাবানলের মতন ছড়িয়ে দেব
ভালোবাসার বীজ, মাটির শিয়রে
দেখব কেমন করে
একটি একটি করে অঙ্কুরিত গাছ
প্রেম হয়ে অরণ্যে বেড়ে উঠছে..

প্রেমের চোখে, সোজা চোখ রেখে
বলতে পারী,"আমরা নারী"...

যে আগুণ সর্বনাশা,
সেই আগুণই শুদ্ধ করে,
যখন আত্ম ভুলে স্পৰ্শ করে,
সর্বনাশা ভালোবাসাও,
সেই প্রেমেই তো মুক্তি মেলে,
যখন কানায় কানায় ভরিয়ে তোলে..

অস্ত্রে অস্ত্রে কেটে ফেলো যোনীদেশ,
পুড়িয়ে ফেলো,
ছিঁটেফোটাও রেখোনা অবশেষ..

হত্যাপ্রলয় শেষে ছড়িয়ে দেব মানবতার হাড়, ভূমিসূতার বুকে..
দেখো তাকে ঘিরে
গাছগুলো সব প্রহরি হয়ে
বাঁচিয়ে রাখছে জীবনের বীজ.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Come back

Its been a long time, two years and a half since my eyes have met yours, since my fingers have touched your smile. So much time have passed since we've sat down face to face, looking at eachother, and shared a smoke over a conversation.
There has not been a single day i have not thought of you, not checked your status, or not read your blog page, and have not missed you.
Finally my wait is over. You are coming to your home, where you belong. To the city that always has a place for you, and enough love.
You are a far away man now, more independent and more of a loner since you left. Your coming back with a thicker shield. My prince from a far far away land, a land across the thirteen rivers and seven seas, you are coming back to your roots.
I know you wont be staying for long. By the time you come may be ill be in bangalore. What to do! Life is such. Always driving us away, apart. And im fine with living at a distance, i feel unnerved when we come closer. Everything becomes foggy and i cant see u then.
I just wish one thing, just one. I want to hug you as long as i can before we part. Just that much. I hope to see u once again.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

"আমাকে একটা কবিতা দাও কবি."
কামুকের মতো জাগছে আমার শব্দকাম,
আমাদের মাঝে যেটুকু আছে আকুতি,
যেটুকু গন্ধ, যেটুকু স্বপ্ন,
যেটুকু ছোঁয়া, যেটুকু অনুভূতি,
সবটুকু মেখে তুমি বসো তোমার সঙ্গমস্থানে,
জনকের আদরে ফুটিয়ে তোলো বীজ,
আমায় তোমার কবিতাগর্ভ দাও...
আমি খুঁজছি সেই কবিতাকে,
শেষ হয়েও রয়ে গেল যে শব্দকামের  কাছে..
খুন হলো যে লোলুপ মধ্যরাতে,
বাঙ্ময় শব উষ্ণ, নহন্যতে...
সেই কবিতা যে জানে,
 অলীক ব্রম্হান্ড পানে,
তুমি ডুবে গেছ শীতঘুমে,
পশ্চিম আকাশে তন্দ্রাতুর নিয়মে...
কবিতা জানে তোমারও শব্দ আছে, বিভূতি আলোর কাছে...
কবিতা জানে গোপন সংবেদন,
 নিষ্কাম প্রেম, প্রেমহীন সংযম,
যে কবিতা নারীর গর্ভে জাগে,
আমি খুঁজছি শুধু সেই কবিতাকে...

আমি খুঁজছি সেই কবিতাকে,
কলঙ্কিনীর দোসর ভাবো যাকে.
অভিসারিকার বিরহী পথযাপন ,
"সঙ্গী আসবে, সঙ্গী আসবে" মন,
একাই কাঁদে একাই হাসে,
একাই ডোবে, একাই ভাসে,
কবিতা দাঁড়িয়ে  পাশে...
হোক বিদেহী শব্দগুচ্ছ, তবু তো নির্ভরতা,
চাইনা পুরুষ, প্ৰকৃতিও না, আঁকড়ে ধরি কবিতা...

পুরুষ তো নয়,থুঁজছি তো কবিতাকে,
আবেগ মেহনে শরীর দিলে যাকে..
জন্ম হয়নি যার,
যে কবিতা অগ্নিকন্যার,
তাকায় সোজা ফুলকি আঁকা চোখে,
বৃন্ত, নাভি, বোঝাই বিষ্ফোরোকে,
প্রেম নয় প্রিয় কবি,
আমি খুঁজছি সে কবিতাকে..

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Now that we dont need totalk to each other anymore, now that we can sleep perfectly without the others whisper in our ears, now that we have perfectly learned to conseal, lie, and pretend to eachother, and now that we dont excite eachother anymore, i think its time for me to leave.. If i dont go now i fear i may get stuck forever.

You are so near yet so so far again.
You never understood my words, neither do you understand my silence.
My dealth goes unnoticed. So does my life.

I must leave, for everyone seems at a far distance, from where they appear to be points, yes you too, are at that much distance. I just need to go.

Its getting pretty suffocating here. It feels like a lifetime of war to breath..
I dunno if the breath is worth.
It is not worth at all.

After long long time my vission is blurred by tearclouds. Half of my heart tells me to kill myself, to end this loophole of suffering.

Can that be an answer? Or can that be a prayer? Can i not be just dead? Or can i not be free??
যে দুই চোখের স্বপ্নের রেশ মেখে,
সূৰ্য্যমুখী দিনের ভাঙল ঘুম..
তাদের পলক পরলেএকটি বার,
আমার প্রেমের পাপড়ি পরবে খসে..

তার চেয়ে বরং এমনি নিবিড় করেই,
নিরঙ্কুষ তাকাও আমার দিকে,
চোখের ভাষায় চোখ আবদ্ধ করো,
সুখ দুঃখের সবটুকু যাক মিশে...
শুধু একটি শব্দ বসাও আমার ঠোঁটে,
শুধু একটিমাত্র শব্দের দিকে তাকিয়ে
আমার সূৰ্য্যাস্ত হোক.
শুধু একটি শব্দে ঢেকে দাও আমার চোখ,
আলেয়ারেখায় নামুক অন্ধকার,
শব্দকাম ফুরোক...

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A birthday wish

today's 26th. My birthday is just 3days away. Im gonna turn 26.
woah! Thats a lot of age!
 Do oldies get a wish!!!!!
I hope its yes, cause i have one.
I wish to see you, hold ur hand just once. I wish thats you would play that old black guitar for my like some random teenage day, and you would sing me a song in that deep melancholic beautiful voice. Just want to hear you sing again.
Thats just another wish which will never come true. I know.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Need a new phone with proper storage

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Kobita no......

তোমার কোলে ফেলে রাখলাম ছায়া, 
আবরণহীন সদ্যজাতর মতো...
রোজ ঘুমসারে একবার বেঁচে ওঠা,
রোজ ঘুমভাঙা সকালেরা সব মৃত...

ভালোবাসা মানে এমনি তো নির্লাজ, 
নেই প্ৰসাধন, নেই কোনো মেকী আলো...
ছায়া তো মাখেনা কাজলা-লালীমা সাজ, 
ছায়াসঙ্গিনী তুফানময়ী হল...

তোমার বুকে আমার যে ছায়া জাগে, 
ঘুমপাড়ানিয়া আঙুল বোলায় মুখে.....
এমন সাধ্বীসঙ্গ করেছ আগে?
এমন প্রেমের সাধনা রেখেছ বুকে?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Note to the stranger

Whenever i see you like this, my heart sinks a bit. It really does. It stops beating for few seconds. Yes it is that much intense.
I know we are no one to each other. We are complete strangers. After all this time gap nothing can be there. No remnents, or resonance even. True i can hear you. I cant talk to you anymore. Nothing can bridge the gap between us.
Its just that iv grown too attached to ur posts. I read them everyday. I just need to know that your happy. That u r alive and strong. This desire for this information really grows heavy on me.
I cant stop. I hope you understand how it is. Im sure you do now. You know what love is, and how much it hurts.
I do not know what these feelings are, yet it is so strong. It pulls me to your blog everyday. Unloving you was an impossible task. But i did it. I do not love you anymore. But i cant stop caring. I still care. And i hate myself for it. This feeling of being connected never stops. I hope you understand well now, because u cant stop either. Its just few years for you. But for me it has been my half life almost.

I want to kill this connection even. But it will take years and dacades. And it will take massive amount of love and care and devotion which i clearly dont deserve. I dont think it is going to happen. Its like i need to be some other universe to forget you. I want to forget. Forget that you existed. But you know well how impossible it is to do.

For the sake of the universe, and for all the beauty in this world, just dont quit on yourself ok. Dont do anything stupid. Stupidity is never the answer to anything. You told me that once. Remember!!!!
For your family's sake try to live ok!!! Just dont die. Not yet!
Just complete your degree. Its just a mattervof three more years. You can do it babe. Just do it for your old man, your father. You deserve a brilliant career. I being a complete stranger have that faith on you. Just dont quit ok!! Not yet!! Not now.
Achieve it for yourself and please dont ever comeback. Not unless you become Dr. S. Sengupta. Not unless you marry a hot fatass latina. Not unless all that you planed to achieve is yours already.

I loved you once. Deeply, madly, completely. I will never buy it that a loved a loser, that i loved a man without substance. Dont tell me i wanted to sacrifice my life for a useless person. No matter how hard you try i will never believe it.

Live ok!!! Get back on your feet!
Be well. Stranger!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Lights, sparks, and glitters...

They've told me since i was a child that this is the festival of light...
Ironical how the darkest night, the new moon night brings the festivity of light.
Maa kaali, im a big fan. Yes you know it. Since childhood you have been very close to my heart. I can trust you. Love you a lot for coming as an idol this one day. Its good to celebrate your day. Its like i celebrate your birthday every year. Love you mother.
I always like the lightings, especially the soft lights of candles and diyas, they are my favorite one. I rarely fire a cracker. But i enjoy watching them in the sky. Lights lights, glitters and golds everywhere, its so happy to see the contrast of temporary light rays against the jet black sky... It brings a smile...

I had planned these days differently. Awaited for a friend. We all planned. But not every wish is fullfilled. Especially when its me. So nothing really happened. Only me n my beloved kittu. He will never leave me even if he wanted to. He is a soul who is unable to do so. I love you my boy. Your mamma loves you.
This is the first no cracker diwali of my life. Didnt feel like it. But i lit up lamps. Sisteen to be precise. And i thought i should do it often. As i went on lighting up every single diya i prayed to maa kaali, prayed for myself and all those who matter to me. I prayed to her to irradicate all the darkness from all our lives, our souls, our hearts and our minds. I hope she listened.
I hope she would help.
I was there with my lady love. Visited the fare. Went on a ride. After many years together. Ate jalebies. Saw kaali pandals. Ate dinner. Slept with kittu. Woke up with kittu on my lap. Saw drishyam. Awesome movie i tell you. Must watch for all. Bought cool earrnings together. Very cheap. 20-30rs each. But very pretty. Who says happiness is costly? Happiness can be a plate of dahi chaat shared with your beloved. Happiness can be a dusk at hous rooftop with your boy and beloved. Happiness can be a ten minutes auto ride that costs twelve rupees.

I love the flying lantrens. I love the way they light up and rise to the heavens.
I do not see many in kolkata. This is my first year, my friend madhu brought one flying lantren for us, and in 10p.m at night we all unitedly lit it up n let it fly to our friendship. Love you my darlings. There were seven of us, D.j, Usho, arka, subarno, arnab, me n madhu... After a sumptious dinner at arsalan (all funded by subarno) we came to our dearest 8b Bus-stand were we started our journey of friendship. All 5 of us sharing one taxi together. Friendship is a bliss i tell you, its beyond all other relations in life. Then we lit it up, as the lantren rose higher and higher our spirits also were equally uplifted.
Flying lamps are like magic. I wish something like this i could do on my birthday. Just lit up a few flying lantrens in the name of all the heartaches, blood-sweat-tears, struggles, and hesitations. I wish i could fly of all the worries and pain with them. But then again, they are rarely found. I wish i could buy a few, but all the sellers will be vanished from tomorrow. Nevertheless, better luck next year may be.
Oh! Dear flying lantren, my dear babylons candle, take my spirit with you... Let it fly, let there be light... Light... Enough light for us all...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Breaks are inevitable in life, sometimes it is important to apply them, sometimes its important to take them.
As for what i'v learned from life when you succumb to leathally in a situation or in an emotion, cut it off. Yes instantly without hesitation become a robot, stop thinking. Apply break on your thoughts.
Yes running helps. Or walking with youself, for sometimes. Earphones plugged in, a ciggerette in hand. Lit another before one dies properly. Yes the smoke helps. It keeps you busy.
Dont listen to them! The voices in your head. Take a break. Dissociate completely from them. Silence those voices. Dont listen. Think of a state of oblivion, of nothingness, of vaccum, of numbness, become a zero. Succumb to a soulful music, think of the almighty, of nature, think of nothing but light, the eternal light. The light that never fades. Think of darkness, like blackhole, become one youself.
Yes this state gives peace, peace of mind.
Break is unavoidable and unforseen. Break away to freedome.
when people tend to go, break free of them, let them go.
Have patience, wait and observe from farthest of corners. Watch them go...
watch them grow small, smaller, smallest...till they become a point.
Watch them come back. Yes they do often!
Break your own ego. Dont just let them come back. Wait, keep distance. Observe.
No one can change the past. But they must make ammends. Observe what they do to set things right. Observe what they have learned. Onserve how they undo their mistakes.
If you see honest efforts honor them. Else....
If you see posing crowd, apply break. Break free, break away.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Its a capitalist world..

Its a capitalist world.
There is nothing called unconditional. People dont help you, they either do a favour on you or they do business.
As for those who do a favour they basically take pitty on you. And another agenda is there. A hidden one. Pick up a fight with people who do you a favour. Then you will get to see the hidden truth. They will take up every events and say it out loud about how they have "helped" you out when you were in need. They will make you understand how you being a selfish manupulative bitch have played with their emotions and used them as resource and drained them out and then disposed them off like piece of shit. Yes some like to play victim. Its an awekward massocism which makes them feel better, pure and in way superior. Some like to act as saint or atleast think of themselves that way. They want you to feel obliged, hence understand any shit and every shit.. When you refuse to accept some you will be reminded of all that times that they have spent on you selflessly, sacrificing their entire lives for you. Basically this time they expect you to feel guilty about a sin that you have not even comitted. When you try to talk sense in them they will point you out for treating them like pigs when all the time you were fighting against them. The reason of fight does not matter much. Because no one truely cares, they only do you a favour so you must feel endebt. Human rights 101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marriage!!!!! A filthy word that changes everything. A soon to be married person has only one identity, only one relation. Others are either favoured endebt people or business allies!!!

And ah the business world!!!! Mode of payment includes not only cash, but anything and everything. And mode of servitued is equally diversified. The one who pays expects equilibrium in services. The service provider must not fail to meet up the clients expectations. The human life is a service industry. Everyone is a resource. Everyone is a commodity. Everyone is a servant. Everyone is at sale. Everyone is a buyer. They only differ in forms and shapes.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Being me, being mirror

I will cut people out of my life with no hesitation, no explanation, and no warning, if they do phony shit, or i feel they cant be trusted. I'm getting too old to be hanging out with people who cant understand the concept of loyalty, faith, freedome and individuality. Who cant understand the concept of being me.

People can think whatever they want to think. I will explain myself no more. Those who cant understand my silence, do not deserve to hear my words. Yes my words are sharp, They cut deeper than knife. I was born this way, im the most defensive person under the sun. If i bleed, i return the favour. If im loved, i love back. I am a mirror that reflects back your own image. This is who i am, and who i will be. A mirror, a crystal clear reflector. If you punch me, and break a corner of it you will bleed. Expect no less, expect no more. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

About friendship

A friend is someone who is always by ur side, a true friend never leaves you, supports you through ur highs and lows, through ur thick and thin... A friend is someone who will fight the world for u, will fight ur battles, but never leave u alone.friendship is honest, unconditional and pure. A friend understands ur silence, loves u truely, and never lets u feel misarable, never hurt u, keeps ur faith, gives u hope, appreciates u, assures u ur the best when others are trying to bring u down. A friend gives u the freedome to be urself, the way u r, appreciates ur tiniest efforts and is always active to make u happy, put a smile on ur face, and wipes of ur tears before they roll down ur eyes.. A friend stays forever with u in ur happiness, And in ur sorrow. They are streangth, they are like backbone.. They make our lives worth living.
A friend is my sister, a friend is puja, a friend is sudip, a friend is bali n kinko, a friend is my jake, a friend is my kittu.
I know i'm a good friend.
A true friend never changes, not for their family pressure, not for situations, and never because they are about to get married. Friendship knows no gender, nor boundaries.
Those who change can be anything but a friend. Those who cant respect friendship because of family, future security, self complexity and/or whatsoever reason are most unfortunate. They can never see beyond thick orthodox relations. They are forever deprived of such a beautiful bond. I pitty them all.

Not everyone deserves to be a friend, or that value in life, or that much love, emotional attachment or that much importance, respect, and trust.
Trust is important.
Choose ur friend wisely, not everyone can keep it pure. Not everyone can value ur trust.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Poem that speaks of my heart

a poem by #meena kandasamy. Just touched my body, mind and soul. Loving it.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Note to.the self

what the hell is wrong with this universe????
nothing, its your fault that you are a bitch. You who sees everything coming, yet gets yourself into heartaches.
You are no goddess, you cant be perfect. You never wanted to be one in the first place. Your plate is full, you know it. You burn down families, and friends and everything around you, you burn people because you are fire.
You never wanted to hurt anyone. People are hurt still when you are around.
stop associating, start dissociating.

Yes you are right. I must disappear like i did once before. I must go. Because im human too. Im too much burned. Cant burn anymore. Cant run anymore. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Seaven seas away,
where the sun sets by the bay,
lives a man with an unknown name,
with a smile that forever makes my day.

across thriteen rivers,
he travels, and lingers,
his sweet sweat and tears,
fills up the western air...

No road can lead me there,
no ocean to swim through,
there's so much vacant air,
no wings to fly me to you...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

ঋজু তোকে..

ঋজু তুই একটু ভালো থাক...
আমার মেয়েবেলার স্মৃতিলেখা তুই...
এত কষ্ট কেন দিবি নিজেকে?
কেন থাকবি এত মনমরা হয়ে..
বহুদূরে তুই.. তাও তোর কষ্ট হলে আজও আমার ভীষণ কষ্ট হয়..
আজ আর তুই আমার প্রেমে নেই, জীবনেও নেই, আর কোনোদিন দেখাও হবেনা জানি...
আমার আর তোর মাঝে জন্মজন্মান্তরের এক বিভাজন রেখা টানা হয়ে গেছে...
সেই দেওয়াল পার করব সাধ্য নেই, শক্তি নেই...
তুই আরও অনেক দূরে থাক, তবু ভালো থাক, শান্তিতে থাক... যে শান্তির জন্য মদ লাগেনা, মরণ লাগেনা... শুধু তোকে ভালো দেখতে চাই... সুখী দেখতে চাই.. তোর কষ্ট আমায় আজও কষ্ট দেয়..
তোর হাসিটা কোথায় হারিয়ে গেছে...আর দেখতে পাইনা আমি.. আমায় হারিয়ে দিসনা এভাবে..
সোনা পালাসনা আর. একটু থাম. শান্তি আসুক তোর জীবনে... শান্তি আসতে দে..

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Intensions and executions

im tired of the human race.
i truely am.
i want to ruaway to a faraway jungle and never come back.
i know no one ever had the intensions of hurting me ever!!!!!
sure!!! But knock knock reality check!!!! Every single one of them cut me into pieces and execute a perfect murder every time.
Yes! They judge me! All of them!
When they lie, hide make a fool of me then its all ok to them because what they executed was not there intensions!!!!
what good justification!!!!
Reality check!!! The stones they throw elsewhere have hit me all the time.. I suffer, i bleed, i die.
who cares!!! Everyone pretends!!! All they care about is their own intensions.
A death is a death irrespective of the killer's intensions.
when the trust is killed it can never be brought back to life. It never comes back.
they think im a tissue paper, use and throw, they think im a garbage bin. All there emotionaal/social/mental wastes can be deposited in me. Cummon! I mean even the bin needs cleaning. They expect me to auto clean myself.
This world is fake, and is filled with fake words. Trusting people is foolishness.
No one intends to weep in my funeral, i know well when the time comes, they will execute the weeping act farely well.

I will leave them all, all their pretensions even before they can blink i will disappear.

Monday, September 7, 2015


I ask myself often have i forgotten you???
and the obvious answer is no. I have'nt. I have never learned to forget you.
Your eyes, your smile, your words are still afresh, just like yesterday.
and after so much time and space and separations, i still find the hidden will to communicate.
and this is how i know i am the most loyal person in the world. Despite all my evils and inner demons my loyalty never fails me. Or should i say it never fails you?

Sunday, September 6, 2015


I know lonliness tastes salty. But i dont mind some salt in my life. Rather its time to bid farewell to the sweet things.
All that sweetness only adding up burden, only creating empty attachments.
I find salt everywhere these days. My life filled with superficial aerated relationships. Its ok. There is no bitterness.
New life is coming.
I need to get back to my diamond shell. A shell that is unpiercable. The worst mistake was to shed it off. Time to get inside it, rebuild and secure myself. Time to shed off all attachments.
people are same, they all are lame. Best way is to find serenity and resort in ones own solitude.
I need to get back to being ME. Live with respect. Respect myself.
No one is invincible, no one is priceless.
I have managed well to hide myself, all words have recoiled back successfully. Im doing it well. Silently very slowly i am metamorphosing. All seems good.
Time is the most precious resource. Because it cannot be earned back, and unlike any other it will automatically  be spent, exhausted whether you use it or you dont. Hence better to use it, and use it well. Before its all gone.
I welcome the salt, but not excess of it, excess salt cant be taken. Time to cut out the sugars from life, they taste good, Give energy, but more than required amount, they rot you. One needs to strike up a balance. One needs to be free...

Monday, August 3, 2015


Aaj tor jonmodin... My jake...
shokale tor gola shunlam bohumash por aaj.. Ami ki r aaj amar nishshobdo kannagulo shunte pash???? Amar nishshobdo kannagulo shonar lokta amay ghire royeche akhono... Tui achish, jamon aage chilish. Aajo toke khub bhalobashi. Nahole ato koshto hobe kano?eibhabe golar niche dolapakano byatha janiye dichche tui thakbi amar kache eibhabe.
Aaj ei prothom bochor, tor jonmodin othocho tor shathe aaj amar dyakha hobena. Aaj amra pashapashi haantbona, hashbona..Akta ajob shunyota ter pachchi buker modhye, bukta huhu korche. Onek kichui kaaler niyome palte gache, aro jabe. Ei jibone kichu sthayi noy. Tor chowatuku ache, thakbe.
Tor moto r keu na, keu hobena konodin. Tui bhalo achish, er beshi ar ki chaibo ami jibone. Tui egiye gechish shob tiktota jhere fele, etai amar onek paona. Tui bhalo thak. Anonde thak. Ami onek dure thekeo shudhu tui bhalo achish etuku niye thakte chai. Miss u re. I miss you jake.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Life and the nothingness

Dear naveen,
life is cruel. Accept it. I accepted long time back. Life is cruel to those who just wont give up and surrender to her. Pain is a passerby so is pleasure. What stays is the will to fight. Hope. My whole life standing on a single thread of hope.
Life is also an asshole. I wont apologise for not giving you enough time. I know i try. You know i try too. Doesn't it count??? Im fighting with time, fighting with destiny, fighting with god, fighting with pain... Life has become Just a fight.

You were like fresh air in my life, my friend, my fellow. I too think of the
chennai days often. The chats, the laughter. With you n vijay i use
 to laugh a lot. Life felt livable. They are more than memories. They are happiness. Remember all our sleepless nights!!! We never complained about sleep deprivation. This job is sucking life out of me. I know im dying. In QED i had u, i had vijay. Here i have nothing but a deathtrap.
Its been 3yrs since im trying to get just a decent teaching job. Im not getting anything. That depesses me. Kills me n breaks me from inside. I know very well about heartaches, madness and pain. They have been with me from the begining.
I love her, its true. You know i do. Without her my life will be nothing. Without her i wont live.
In life we often face choices. My choice will kill me bothways. If i fail to teach ill die, and if i fail to live with her ill die then as well. Yet im fighting with my last drop of blood. Its a very unequal war. In India there is no future of a woman with another woman. I know this by heart. Im a criminal to love a woman according to IPCC377. Yes. Emagine when the world around you tags you a criminal, an outcast. Im a loner beyond your wildest dreams. I fight alone. Not even she is with me in this fight. She is too weak and morbid to even fight for herself. Hence all are on me. Plus added pressure and responsibility of mom n dad. If i die they dont have a penny to feed themselves. Nor a place to live. You know the pressure of being the boy of ur parents dont u?
Chatting with you kept my minds off these things. If i think of my life i will kill myself that very moment itself. Hence i dont think. I just let things happen on their own. You are important. And i will tell you this on your face when u will no longer be important to me. I can do that. And if needed i will do it. But i cant prove it to you if u dont have faith.
Im highly misunderstood by everyone in life, even my sister, even my mom. I dont expect to be understood.
I know i care, i have faith.
one day u will understand.
Till then take care my friend.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

তোর্সার দ্বিতীয় কবিতা

অনেক অনিদ্রার টিলা পেরিয়ে,
তোমার কপালে যদি চুমু খায় ঘুম...
তুমি যেমন তক্খুনির নিমেষে
ঠোঁটের ফাঁকে মাখো সেই নিঝ্ঝুম...

আমিও তেমন ফাঁকতালেরই খাঁজে
আঁকরে ধরি তোমায় বুকের ভাঁজে

তমানিষার অলংকারি চাঁদ
অলীক যেমন রূপকাহনের সুখ
আমিও তেমন কলমকারি প্রেমে
নক্সীফাঁদে গাঁথছি প্রিয় রূপ

তোমায় ছোঁয়া আঙ্গুল ঘুমিয়ে আছে
আজগুবি কিছু সজাগ ইচ্ছে মাঝে...

Friday, June 26, 2015


Never promised a half life to you..
Never expect or accepted a half life either.
But all there years life has been a half-ling with you.
Depressions, desparations, begging,pleadings, anonymity, emptinessess, tearsheds, hollowness, ignorance, insensitivity,fake promises, heartaches and refusals in continuam.
Nothing ever came back except sicknesses, lame excuses and complaints.
Im so done, so so done with this half-ness, now i dont want any of it. Talking to you seems tiring and meaningless.
Disappointments, lonliness, suffocation and silence has become a steady companion in this half life. From here all are reducing.
Everything with you has become pretentious. Im hating the neverending theatricals. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Lets hit the mountais...
Just you and me..
spending lonly time in a silent tent on an anonymous brook bed. Nothing but only fireflying and stars above will give us light.
Somewhere less explored by men, beside the springs filled with waterhens, and snowclad peaks calling us sweetly from a distance. Red flowers, high ferns, tall pines, and sweet singer birds. Nothing too fancy, devoid of the city stentch. Lets explore an old world.
Just you and me..

Sigh! It is nothing but an abstract dream of a farway enchantment!!!!
Deeper sigh!!!!
Sighing all night long!!!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Another letter to riju

finally!!after a long time of blankscreenwatching got to hear something atleast. Phew!!!!relieved to know your alive and happy. I always wanted you to be happy with that wicked grin on your face. I never told you this, because i never thought its necessary. Your grin reaches your eyes, and make them shine with added brightness. One of the key reasons that makes an asshole like you so adorable. Always wake up with a smile dear.
I have loved you, hated you with same integrity, and then got over it too. But what i have constantly been doing over all these years is to pray and wish for your safety and happiness. You were an achiever, to me you will always remain like that. I wish to keep those memories of long walks and idle talks with me forever when we were really good friends.

I remember that day, when you held my hand in your hand, made a fist, put it near your heart and said that i was a gem of a friend. Donno if you really meant that or not. I trusted you. Back then your friendship meant everything to me and gave me much streangth to fight. Friendship, i really miss that with you. One thing for sure, your friendship never made me weak, it made me very strong.
Today when i spend every second with the love of my life, i cant tell you how grateful i feel to the srars above that they led me out of you only to get into her. But they never let me out of this bond that i feel with you.
 Even when you are worlds away i just have to know you are fine, i just have to know you are well, that you are happy, at peace and achieving something. I always wait for this much information. It might be irrelevant to you, you can still continue to think that no one really cares for you. Ahhh!!! Suit yourself. I am not much of an influence on you. I do not wish to be either.

I am not going to apologise for my last letter to you. Because just like this one that one is also filled with true emotions. If you find it contradictory im not going to explain myself. As a physics person you should know more about coexistance.

Be well my friend. Achieve all that you want. Keep writting, so that i will know your alright. Im pretty sure in this universe, in some anonymous galaxy, some strange solar system, some world yet to be known by man we are there, and we are bestest of friend. Miss you bitch. Smile more often for an old prehistoric friend...:)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Owning love

"No one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone"
-Paulo Coelho
True, you cant lose anyone because you dont really own them. So true. But then think this through, in so many stages of our lives we try to own people. May be we do not recognize, it is but a very subconcious act of our mind. We feel possessive to some at least one or two, is that not a desire to own them? Or at least to own their time?

Then how do we define this desire of ownership???? I think this very desire of owning someone or something is nothing else but love.
Yes love. In my opinion love is when you look into the eyes of someone and from that very second your whole being, whole existance is filled with a steeping desire. Yes a desire to own then, own their each and every micro and nano second. You desire of owning their thoughts, their dreams, their conversations, their emotions, and just before you realize you want to own their desire of owning you too. In turn you want them to own your universe. This whole concept of ownership to me is love. As when we fail to own it hurts, we feel we are losing them. The sense of losing hurts.
Desire of ownership creats deep attachment, deepest of them all. Our mothers own us, may be that is the reason a mothers love is celebrated beyond everything in this world. We know we own them too.

I think this is why we lose only them who we love, not in life but in death. Because desirs burn, give warmth and heat. When we go ashtrey our skin becomes cold as it loses its desire, desire of owning life.

As for me gomzi, i desire to own you, deeply and fiercely. We both know this. And because of this i love you the most and am ded scared to lose you. To lose the you would be disowning love.. To have you is owning love itself.

I am yet to own you, and you are yet to own me. But atleast our hearts are filled with burning desires. We are warm and alive.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Birthday wishes and love

I often wonder how can a person love someone else so much, so much that their heart will swell up with crazy emotions and feel like the chest will burst out, bringing me peace.
Yes i often feel this way for you. For instance like today, lying on your bed in your room im thinking how fast these two days ran away. Just like my chennai days, i wish i could stop time, rewind and relive each second of it. Not to improve the imperfections, but just to live a hundred lives in each of those seconds.
Life offers me living in fractions. Life for me is never in continuam. There are too many stop gaps. Lying down silently, gazing your face like a child who's stargazing for the first time, i feel that this moment must freeze and become immortal. My love made it immortal already.
Now as i secretly wipe my tears and write this nonsense there are feelings that are beyond human transcriptions.
I waited for this day too long, and now its coming to an end. The end is always painful and like any other it makes you gasp for each n every breath. So it is with me.
I hope i made it enough for you, i know i have crossed all lines to go beyond, and further beyond. I hope i could give you happiness.
Happy Birthday Love. This day is a blessing to me, this day is also a curse. "few infinites are greater than other infinits"… My love for you is that infinity. I know its not the same for you. Thats not okay though. It hurts me a lot. But then few pains are greater than others as well, we just need to choose the one that hurts less. Its not an easy choice.
All my wishes to you, all my love to you. I hope i could do enough.
I love you. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

24hrs remains

just one more day to go....
I hope it becomes life changing……
For us…

Friday, June 12, 2015

48hrs remaining

Heart beats faster, i wish i'd known time travel. So much hanging online. Driving me nuts, fairly. Just tomorrows gap, and i'd be there..safely sleeping in ur arms. In my happy place. I'v let go of it all but not you. You are too precious. Too much loved.
Darling cant wait. Anxiety!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Special day-countdown begins

Oh yes! Im counting numbers. And the timer is set. Three more days. Just three more days to go. I hope i would survive next few days anticipation. Time the bitch is very powrful. And then it is a corrupted one too. Must be bribed by my competitors! It makes me wait and wait for what it appears to be a lifetime and then when THE DAY comes it passes by in seconds. Time the bitch knows when to run fast and when to slow down. Thw slut it is. Two penny hooker.

Your birthday is approaching. Im dying in anticipation. Months of planning, saving, plotting, working my ass out. Every year it fails. The badass 15th june. This time if the whore dare cheates on me i will fuck it in the wrong place. Since its inception this very day has cheated on me, caused me blood, sweat and tearshed. Some years you were elated and self engrossed, some years you were indifferent, some year you too were in pain. This year i'v given it all. Soon to unveil.
But last year i took an oath, i promised myself, if anyone ANYONE(including you) will try to destroy my happiness i will screw them in real time.

I am struggling for my peace. I hope i find it with no one around to create perturbation. I hope you will gather the courage to be strong enough for both of us. I hope you love me enough.

I hate that woman, because i always feel she has a stronger place in your life. I know its normal. But i am queerness personified. I hate my compititors, especially when i know they are hypocrite. Playing cheap games never helps with me. I am not known for sportsman spirit.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

A letter to jake

i miss you. I miss your presence in my life. Your absence is highly felt. Never thought my life would be so cruel, cruel to take you away from me. Like a fool i had faith, a blind faith that we would never be apart. Life always plans otherwise for me.
i'v stopped watching/reading twilight saga. It reminds me only of you. It breaks me. It saddens my heart. Without you life has been "empty"...Remember all the cheap pubs, alcohol, weed, music and more. So many years have passed. Life goes on, with or without enough reason to live..

We loved eachother enough. You loved me enough to let me go, i loved you enough to let you be free. We both pretended as if this was an ego fight. But deep down inside we both know it had least to do with egos, most to do with gut feelings. Yes Jake, i tried hard to make you hate me, you faught a brave war, till today you are unable to hate me, but at last you too got caught Up in my act. I know i pushed you off limits. I hurt you too much. I deserve this vaccum.

As for me, i love you just as i used to. You see i had to protect you. I had to. You deserved happiness, love, family, and so much more; My mere friendship could never compensate all that. I know i have been selfish. I knew myself well. I had to release my best friend from this cage. He deserved the world. I needed you to give yourself a fare chance.

I know you are still struggling, still recovering. I know you are too strong. You will win, your instincts wont let you drown. Waiting for that day when you will find happiness, peace, and love. A girl who deserves you, a person who will be 100% dedicatedly yours. I dream of a day when you no longer will have to pseudo satisfy yourself with bits and pieces Of some damages psyched up person with 1000 other priorities. No, you deserve honest love all to yourself.

I will always love you, thus maintain my safe distance. There is'nt and wont be a day when you will not be remembered in my thoughts. You will always be there in my heart. Nothing would ever harm you dear Or hurt you. Forgive me. Forgive my mindfuckedness. Stay happy, stay content.

Love and respect
in fondest memories,

Monday, May 25, 2015

Alien places, alien faces

silence is powerful. It is indeed. It can make and break. It has that much power to reform again. Silence is good, silence is evil. It may lead to peace, it may lead to war. I dont know where my silence is leading me, i hope it leads me to evolution. I guess it is leading me to somewhat dissociation.

Home is always build with people. I find resort where my loved ones are. Home is home only because of the people in it, but when they change, your home becomes discomforting, alien. The comfort zone is much required. If that zone in the mind is in continueum with purterbation, it is not worth the fight. Even the familiar most people change with time, then they become strangers. And even the most revisited places become discomforting. Home is important, the niche not only provides shelter it provides a lot of metal peace. It gives a strong sense of security, a feeling of trust. A feeling of well being.

My home is in me, is with me. I am my home. Apart from that all are hotel rooms. Some stingy, some luxurious, but all alien places. A visit or two is fine, yet i cannot stay there for long. I was searching for a niche for long. Now my journey ended in me. I was born too early, in a wrong planet, among wrong people. Im alien to this world, as this world is alien to me. I dont understand their language, they dont understand mine. I dont belong here. My silence comes from a thirst, thirst to go back to home. Till then im encaged in this soft asylum amongst unfamiliar faces, i lose words as no one here speaks my language.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

My friend

i know you want to see me happy. I wish the same for you. Its just that time is powerful and tricky. I dont know raa where my smile has gone. My fellow use to tell me i must smile more. He use to tell me my smile reaches to my eyes. My sister told me same thing. My eyes use to smile for me. It has been a long time, since my smile reached my eyes. Dont know why, my happiness is always incomplete these days. I dont no raa why I changed so much. But i did. I wish i could show you how brilliantly my eyes smiled. I wish i could remember how to be that much happy again. Fact is i dont. May be because im living in lies. May be because iv become such a good liar that i lie to myself about my happiness. I lie to myself often that im fine. What to do raa??? Im not sure ofmyself anymore. I cant trust myself anymore. I have been decieving myself for too long. In the act forgot who i truly am, forgot where my happiness lies. 

Expectations and nothings

Expectations kill. They always do. Never expect anything from life. Life is a bitch, it has always been this way.
Numbness is far more reliable. It will never cheat on you, nor it will leave you alone. But life will, in a moment when you want it the most, it will leave you.
Having nothing is good. When you have nothing you are not afraid, you feel free, like you owe everything to yourself. No one else in the universe matters. As a matter of fact no one will.

Expectations on the other hand always hurts in the wrong places. And when you are hoping and dreaming too much your expectations find that place inside you where it stings the most. No one to blame but your self.

Ranita, stop being over enthusiastic, you are an outcast. You must not forget. People may admire your guts, but they will never understand you.


Have you forgotten the past???? Have you forgotten how unwelcome you were to the rest of the world???? Not everyone is your elder sister. Even she dumped you and went ahead. You are no object to be loved. See the mirror. You are fat!!! And ugly!! And unimportant. You are always secondary.. Never forget. You must be strong for yourself. Like it or not you have some more years to live through. Dont expect death to come and deliver you from all the evils of life. Dont expect anything.
They hurt you. They will hurt you more. It will make you blind. It will make you dumb. Yes, this will sting. Sting so .uch you will become speechless. Dont worry. You'll get beter.

Go get your pills. And sleep. And earn. And smoke. Smoke till you drop.
Laugh on it ranita. You have forgotten happiness. Dissociate. You deserve to be happy. Expect nothing. You are homeless. You belong to yourself. Dont cheat yourself.

Go out. Catch your breath. You desrve fresh air, you owe it to yourself. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

My laughter, my tearsheds

Dear di,
life would have been lesser complicated with you in it, if we could be in the same city. I would be happier. You were right when you said that day that i dont look happy anymore. Fact is im not. I feel miles apart from everyone. And all the reunions give me heartaches. I so wish that you never had to shift to bangalore. But i know the reality, and i dont believe in cribbing.

Two weeks after two years. Yes last time we met In kolkata in 2013. No news after that. Until now when you have to go back, board the train tommorow. life is calling. I have grown farely disgusted with trains. The way they take my loved ones far away from me.."only to return back????" As they say. Well doubt that. Being skeptical has got under my skin. You are always happiness to me. My comfort corner. My home. With you my roots will also go away, leaving me behind in the four walls were all our childhood and youth days are encaged with me. I wish i could have a family.
But ironically im too much of a damage for any social bond. Relationships are however based on emotions, and even the most damaged people are not deprived of that. You will always be my family. No matter where you go it will always remain with you.

Days of lonliness and disengagement begins again, untill we meet again.

love and more love

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

New phone. New start. Will technology bring us closer???or it will tear us further apart???

the only answer is time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Anonymous letter to an old memory

yes you. Writing to you old pal. Because you are not going to read. But because tell you somehow i must. My open letter, my confesion.

Somwhere around april,2007:
you are coward. Yes coward, and sheepish. But thats okay, i dont expect you to be perfect. I never did. But you being a hypocrit is what gives me a heatrache. Yes you have so become a hypocrit. Scared of your very own self. How you become one!!!! Im pretty clueless. Yet it feels i have never known you.
There was this very young boy i once knew a young lad with big bright beautiful eyes, that shined into mines with so much of brilliance. Yes i was bedazzaled. I was 270degrees mindfucked then. This boy brought me back to life. I loss my heart to him. Yes, You bitch! I Fucking Loved You. From the core i loved you. I guessed it wasnt the other way round. Never wanted to tell you how i felt for you. Never wanted complications. Your friendship was more than enough for me. I was so damn happy being your friend. Everyday listening to you about your stupid crushes were'nt easy. Especially when the guy is your first ever true love. But no!!!Asshole!!! You had to yeild it out. That very moment of truth took my bestest friend away from me. I miss my friend riju. I mourn our sweet friendship. You know nothing about LOVE.
Love is caring. The care i always had for you. Love is letting go of the one you love. Never have i complained. I just wanted you to be happy. I just wanted our friendship to last. I wanted you to treat me as you treated bamba or somdev. Never i wanted a relashionship with you. I hoped you would treat me like a man, like a brother. Never i wanted to feel like a woman when you were around.
Instead what you did???Made a joke out of me. Laughed behind my back with people. And i thought you were my best friend.
Emotions!!!!Damn you talk about them. You have none. Love, love you talk about. You love none, not even yourself. Otherwise you wont screw yourself.
I slashed open my wrist, not for you moron. I'd never do that.What do you know of me???Nothing. You knew nothing. Did you ever try to find out??? You had any idea how i was mentally and physically abused in my daily life. You were my only space to breath. Ruthlessly you took it away. You announced your verdict. Said You didnt care, and have no role to play in this. Yes you said that. You didnt care if im alive or dead. That day riju i died. I died and so did my love for you.
No i dont hate you. I never can. Whenever i see your face it reminds me of my long gone friend with whom i could feel safe, who i trusted with my life. That boy who could never mislead me, the boy whom i ideolized. The boy who i respected the most in this world. Your face reminds me of him. It also reminds me of of how i become a woman from just a girl. It reminds me of my journey, my own metamorphosis. It reminds me of the best time of my life. I will forever respect you for what you taught me, and for the support, you have contributed a good deal in shaping me up. I had loved you once like a madman, like you were the only object securing my existence. Yes loved you like crazyshit. Loved you in way that i always prayed for your happiness at any cost. I have tried my level best till all of you joined hands to kill me. Iv tasted blood. My own blood. I have watched myself bleed, every single drop coming out slowly of the slashed wrist. Burrying the blades deeper into each skinfold, i witnessed how the world darkens upfront. That is pain, pain that can drive a person insane, that much of blinding excrutiating pain when you fail to feel your limbs being slashed open by sharp metals. Trust me on this. No physical pain can ever amount to that mental pain. I loved myself  extremely. Killing me was'nt easy. How efficiently you turned away your face. That day the love perished.
To disappoint you all i survived, "that bitch" you told yourself. The fact was i didnt. I died to be reborn. I came back stronger. 1000times. I taken an oath to myself. I will rise. I will make myself stronger than iron, i will stand tall. I have lived upto that.

May 2015:
Eight long years have gone. You block my number, i ignore. If you disrepect me i still dont give a damn. If im too annoyed i will not engage in conflict. I have learned to block back. You talk to me nicely i talk back in a nice tone. If you be courteous ill be gentle too. I expect nothing from you. Nothing. Celebrate! One person less on earth to love you or care for you madly. Congrats you have earned this. You have been a good teacher, taught people how to walk over the dead bodies shrugging off your shoulders and tossing the beer cans. You have taught others well to treat living human souls as corps. And it seems there have been so many good learners. Including me.
This is your moment.


Sunday, May 17, 2015


আমি ভালো ছাত্ৰী ছিলাম, শেখার ইচ্ছা প্ৰবল ছিল মনে. তুমি শেখালে আমি শিখেও নিতাম তারাতারি. তবে তোমার জহুরির চোখ নেই, তুমি তেমন গুরুও নও, অথবা তেমার কাছে আমি এক নিতান্তই অকেজো, নির্গুন...তুমি আমায় শিক্ষাদানের যোগ্য মনেই করোনি কখনো. আগেই ভেবে নিয়েছ পারবনা. হাতে ধরে তাই শেখাওনা কিছুই কোনোদিন. আমায় যে এত অযোগ্য ভাব তাতে আমি খুব আহত হই. হয়ত সত্যিই আমার কোনো যোগ্যতা নেই.
এতদিনেও তুমি আমায় নিজের ভাবতে পারলেনা. দেওয়ালটা শেষে রয়েই গেল আমাদের মধ্যে. আমরা পৃথকই রইলাম.এক হলামনা. তুমি দূরের হয়েই রইলে, আমিও আর কাছের হতে পারলামনা.
সবাই কত ঘুরতে যায়. আমি সবার ছবি দেখি. নিজের ছবি তোলা হবেনা জানি. কথা দিয়েছিলে, রাখার জন্য নয়, কেবল স্তোতবাক্য হিসেবে বলেছিলে. আমি বুঝে গেছি এতদিনে.কম চেষ্টা করিনি. হয়ত অনেক বেশী চেষ্টা করে ফেলেছি বলেই এত ক্লান্তি, হয়ত সে কারণেই আর বলিনা. বলতে ইচ্ছা করেনা. আমি জানি আমার কোনো ইচ্ছার কোনো দাম তোমার কাছে নেই. তাই তোমার ইচ্ছাগুলোও হয়তো আজকাল আর আমার কাছে অত বেশী প্ৰকটতা পায়না. এই তুমি-আমি বিভাজনের  ফলেই হয়ত জীবন খুবই বেরঙীন হয়ে যাচ্ছে. . .
বেরানো তো শুধুই স্থান পরিবর্তন নয়, রোজনামচা থেকে বেরিয়ে একে অপরকে বারতি সময় বারতি সাহচর্য একটু বেশী সঙ্গ দেওয়া. যাতে রোজকার সময়ের ঘাটতিগুলো পুষিয়ে নেওয়া যায়. মুখোমুখি বসে না বলা সবটুকু বুঝিয়ে দেওয়া আর বুঝে নেওয়া যায়.
আমি তোমার কাছে এত দামী কিছু নই. তুমি অনায়াসেই আমার যাবতীয় ইচ্ছেকে অদরকারী ঘোষণা করে ছিঁরে ফেলতে পারো, আমার সব কষ্টকে খারাপলাগাগুলোকে অবহেলা করতে পারো, আমায় দেওয়া সকল প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতি ভেঙে ফেলতে পারো.
তোমার স্তুতিবাক্য অনেক শুনেছি, আর ইচ্ছা করেনা শুনতে..তোমাকে কিছু বোঝানোর তাগিদটাও মরে এসেছে প্ৰায়. এখানে আমি নিজের সাথে নিজেই কথা বলি. আর কারো জন্যে এখানে আমি একটি বর্ণও লিখিনি কখনো.
তোমার যা কিছু তোমারই থাক, আমারটুকু আমার থাক. তুমি আমার সাথে একটি পাও এগোতে চাওনা.আমাদের কোনো ভবিষ্যত নেই...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Mortality and beyond it..

I know one day ill die, just like any other mortal being, i too will perish. I was born that way one day, to grow, to evolve, so that one day all good i have in me would be shed off, the elixir i carry in my heart and soul would be extracted till the very last drop, and then, in that very threshold moment before i become the Worst of myself, death will come to save me. And i will greet him as dear friend, and join him in eternal peace. Mother nature made me this way to start off and then to end.
Yes my friend, all good things come with an end, all that is bad is unworthy they live in a loop. They come back over and over again, they never grow,they just replace their shells.. Thats it. They have no journey, and whatever distance they travel is meaningless.
In physics we know when we start and end at the same point,move in a loophole, our net displacement is zero, which is inconsequential, unworthy.
All that we value is mortal, we know it will perish, hence we care for them, and protect all the mortals with all our streangth and might.
Is it not amazing!!! How mother nature embedded all the beauty in perishable things. When we know that something will end soon we protect it even more. Even in relationships, we are always insecure, affraid of losing our beloveds. In our hearts ee know the relations are most fragile, hence we even end ourselves to protect them. We try so hard to preserve youth only because it is short term.
This is the beauty of being mortal. When you are destined to end one day, the race with time adds more meaning to life. In every second we try to live our entire lives, it creates memories, and we grow fond of them only because we know death would meet us any time and take us away from all that we love, from all that our heart yerns for. Life is worth living because it would end one day. And that one day just like your birthday would make a difference.
If we were mortal we would not value time as we will have enough of it. We will not value anything as we will know that there is no end to US, we would start ignoring everything, everyone, and even the creator, even nature. Soon enough there would be so many of us that there would be no room left for anyone new. No place, no peace, no harmony. Soon enough we would become worse and life would be filled with agony and faces with scars of wartimes. We will.forget to smile, to love.
Love yes love one immortal being that makes our mortality so valuable. Love adds meaning to life. Nothing else can do that. This immortal thing is so old yet so beautiful only because it does not live in a loop. It is indefinite, just like our creator. Only this goodness is so versetile it keeps on metamorphosing and evolving in every nano second. Love is an energy. Yes it is energy indeed, and hence is immortal like time. It cannot be created cannot be destroyed, only changes from one form to other. Information or data however is not immortal. As it can be created, can be destroyed, and in midway however can be hugely manupulated. In each such event a new data is born as the old data dies. I guess thats alright.
I do not wish to be immortal. Never ever. I just want a lovely, happy healthy and peaceful life. So that one day when death comes to set me free i could lie in her soft arms, look straight into her eyes and tell her that my love shall remain and perish away like a sweet refrain.
Till that very day i wish to stay beautifully loved and loving. Till that day i keep contributing my Inner and outer beauty to this beautiful world.

P.S: She will always remain more beautiful to me. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cloths, belongings and your reminissence.

Everyday, let it be like this. Let one piece of your cloth be left with me.
A lucky piece of fabric that clung to your very soft skin, that sucked in all the fluids each time you perspired,and in a process become one with the perfume of your beauty and your silky touch. Even before you could notice it became a piece of you.
leave one such piece with me everyday, every now and then. Leave it with me.

Every morning when you start off for work,each time the call ends with fading echos of your sweet voice, my heart yearns, it yearns and awaits for you to to return by the end of the day. It yearns for the regular sunset, a time in the day when you are likely to come by. Also everynight when you leave for your home my heart again yearns for the time when you will come back. Yes the yearning is so fearce that the whole time laps in between is counted in a rhythmic nano second. And each unite feels like infinnity.

Both of us use to be free, free like birdies, flying randomly here and there, as sky never had a limit, now at times we cannot deny that we feel bound, enchained. But not caged my dear, we can never be caged. We are free souls, we were atoms, atoms of one element,of faminity, of nature. May be like isotops. We only bonded to become a molecule. To gain stability.
Think of a free bird, she has to come back to her nest by the end of the day after all. When the lights go off she needs to retire to her comfort corner too. Only that cozy,comforting, lovable resting place can give her peace, and replenish her with new energy, energy that is much of a necessity to keep her up in the air, to help her sustain through the day of long, tiring flights. Reaching the havens afterall is a laborious journey,it requires streangth. Streangth that comes from inner peace, and contentment, and A stable mind.
We all need a nest, a stable safehouse. We are that nest to one another. We fly away as we are explorers, we come back home only to justify our quest. All your roads end in me, all my paths bend back to you.

So why leave a piece???Why a used fabric??why such a material attachment???

Yes, one must be wondering why. As they are drentched with your essence. Every night i would like to burry my nose in them like i do usually burry my nose in your chest, or in your neck where your manes are a little thicker and unassorted. I will burry my face and inhale your smell, i will wrap my arms around them and feel your touch.
I would take them as a compensation for your absense. The nights we spend together are surreal, those nights are rare. But on regular nights when i still need you to put myself to sleep, these pieces of you would aid my restlessness. They will bring YOU to ME………

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


আদুরিয়া সকাল...
যেইদিন সকালে সূৰ্য্য ফোটা আলোয় ঘুম ভেঙে চোখ মেলেই আমি তোমার মুখটা দেখতে পাই, যেসব সকালে তন্দ্রা ভেঙেই অনুভব করি তোমার নরম শরীর স্পৰ্শ, সেসমস্ত সকালকেই আমি এই নামে ডাকি.
আমি তোমার আদুরে নরম মেঘপুঞ্জ যে..
আমার জীবনের প্ৰতিটি সকালেরই তো এমনটাই হওয়ার কথা ছিল..
কে??? কে ও????  কে বা কারা আমার সুখে ভাগ বসায়??? কোন সব শয়তানের দল আমার আদুরি সকাল চুরি করে পালায়???
ওদের মরণ নেই???

Monday, May 4, 2015

ফিরে দেখা

আজ খুব ফিরে যেতে ইচ্ছে করছে দশ বছর আগের সেই দিনটায়.
স্কুলের সেই গেটের ভিতরে শেডের নীচটায় জলের কলগুলোর পাশে ঐ নোটিস বোর্ডের সামনেটায়..ঐখানটায় ঐ জীন্সের নীল জ্যাকেট পরা মেয়েটার সামনে দাঁরিয়ে আমিও একটা নীল শারী পরে ঠিক ওর গালে চুমু খাওয়ার আগের মুহূৰ্তটায় ওকে ভীষণ জরিয়ে ধরতে চাই..
তখন কি আর জানতাম প্রথম প্রেম নিয়ে প্রথম চুমুটা আসবে তারই পক্ষ থেকে!!!!তখন কি জানতাম এই চুমুগুলোই আমার আজীবনের প্রাপ্তি হবে.

আজ তোকে পুরোনো দিনে ফিরে গিয়ে আদর করতে ইচ্ছে করছে খুব..

সখী নিয়ে চল আমারে...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

উপহার-The gifts

তোমার দোষগুলোর প্ৰতি আজকাল আমার সহনশীলতা খানিক বেরেছে. আজকাল তুমি দেরী করে এলে একইরকম রাগ, দুঃখ, অভিমান হয় বটে তবে আগের মতন তীব্ৰ তীক্ষ্ণ দীৰ্ঘস্থায়ী খারাপলাগাগুলো আর নেই. তুমি খানিক সাধ্য সাধনা করলে আমি মেনে যাই. আগের মতন জেদ ধরে বসে থাকিনা. আমার এহেন পরিবর্তন তুমি খেয়াল করেছ কিনা জানিনা, তবে আমি বুঝেছি তোমার প্ৰতি আমার ঘৃণার তীব্ৰতা কমেছে, ভালোবাসার  তীব্ৰতা বৃদ্ধি পাচ্ছে ধীরে...
আমি আর আগের মতন অসুস্থ হয়ে পরছিনা.  সেরে উঠছি ক্ৰমে..
এতে আমার কোনো হাত নেই, পুরোটাই তোমার ভালোবাসার গুণে. আমার জীবনে তোমার ভালোবাসা ফিরে আসছে ক্রমে.এজীবনে ঐ একটি বস্তুর উপরেই আমার যাবতীয় লোভ, আমার একমাত্ৰ জাগ্ৰত কামনা ও বাসনার বিষয়.
জীবরে যা কিছুর আকাঙ্খা করে মানুষ তার সমস্ত স্বত্বা দিয়ে, তার প্রাপ্তি হলে সে আপনি শান্ত হয়ে ওঠে, ব্যাধি মুক্ত হয়ে ওঠে. আমিও তেমনি তোমার আদরস্পর্শে সেরে উঠছি.
সেদিন রাতে যে অপরাধটা করলে তাতে শুলে চরানোর  মতন রাগ হচ্ছিল, তবু অত বেসামাল হয়ে পরলামনা.. তুমি বেশ কিছুক্ষণ মানানোর পরে মেনে গেলাম. তারপর.আদর নেমে এল  যেই সব ক্লান্তি সব.দুঃখ নিমেষে উধাও হল.
তোমায় চলে যেতে দিতে হবে এই দুঃখটাই খুব গভীর হয়ে উঠল  তখন. খানিক  দেরীতে হলেও যেতে দিতে পারলাম. আগে হলে পারতামনা একেবারেই. ছারতে ভরসা ছিলনা. ফিরবনা আর, ভাববেনা একবারো আমায়, এমনসব বিপদের আসঙ্কায় আমি কাঁটা হয়ে থাকতাম, এই ভয়েতেই আমাকে এমন হিংস্র করে তুলত. এ তোমারই ভালোবাসার গুণ আমার সে হিংস্র  স্বভাব পোষ মেনেছে.

বউ বলে যখন ডাকো ভেতরে ভেতরে যেন গলে আমি জল হয়ে যাই. জীবনে এমন গায়ে কাঁটা জাগানো এমন সুখজাগানিয়া ডাক আর শুনিনি কখনো. এমনি করেই ডেকো আজীবন. এমনি করেই থেকো.

আমায় পোষ মানানো খুব সহজ কাজ নয়. তবে সত্ ভালোবাসার অসাধ্য কিছুই নেই. এমন সততার সঙ্গেই ভালোবেসো. সত্য হয়ে থেকো আমার জীবনে.

একটা চারকোল, একটা পেনসিল, তোমার ছাদের গাছের একটা লেবু, তোমার নিজে হাতে.বানানো একতা বাক্স, একটা আমায় নিয়ে লেখা কবিতা, অথবা একটি হাতে আঁকা ছবি, এসকল উপহহার কোনো যক্ষীর ধনের  চেয়ে কল কিসে????

এসকল যে ভালোবাসার  চিন্হ, যেমন প্ৰতিটি আদরের দাগ আমি গয়না মনে করে পরে থাকি.দামী গয়নার চেয়ে ঐ দাগগুলোই তো আমার সৌন্দৰ্যায়নের পরম উপকরণ, ওদের ছারা কি আমার সাজ সম্পূৰ্ণ হয় না হতে পারে???

ছোটো ছোটো সুখের মতন তুমি ছোটো ছোটো উপহারে আজকাল ভরিয়ে রাখো আমাকে, আমিও তাই এমন ভরে উঠেছি..

জীবনের রোজনামচা একঘেয়েমিগুলোও যার সঙ্গে খুব ভালোলাগে সেই প্ৰকৃত জীবনসঙ্গী, তাকে জীবনে একবারই পাওয়া যায়, তাক বেঁধে রাখা তাই খুব জরুরি. জীবনের এই একটিমাত্র ব্যাক্তিই কেবল প্ৰতিস্থাপনযোগ্য নয়.

উপহারগুলো থাকুক, হঠাত উপহার  দেওয়ার এই রেওয়াজটাও চলতে থাক. তুমি আমায় জীবনে এমন অনেক কিছু দিতে পারো যা অমূল্য, পৃথিবীর সকল সম্পদ মিলেও যার সমতূল্য হতে পারবেনা  কোনোদিন.

এমনিই ভালোবেসো. পাল্টে যেওনা.

তোমার তোর্সা.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Cheers! To life, to the lamp, and to us.

Be with me till the end of times.

I love you, i accept. I always will. I know you love me too. We are pretty helpless. We can never stop loving eachother.

We must'nt try. Never ever.

lets end all objections raised. You and me, together till eternity.

p.s: I love you more. My Gomzi.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


বিক্ষিপ্ত মনকে শান্ত করার উপায় আমার জানা নেই. ঘুমটা ভাঙল এক দুঃস্বপ্নের রেশ চোখে মেখে. পাশে শোয়া ছিল যে জন সে আপন আত্মমগ্নতায় টের পেল না আমার হঠকারিতার কারণ. সে একে রাগ, অভিমান বা আর যাবতীয় কিছু অদরকারি আবেগ বলে ঠাওর করল এবং নিজের স্থিতাবস্থায় মন দিলো. বিশেষ কাছের মানুষ পাশে থাকলেও যে এতটা নিঃসঙ্গ লাগতে পারে তা আজই টের পেলাম. কাউকে দোষী করে কাজ নেই.চেয়ে নিলে হত হয়ত বা. কিন্তু জীবনে যা কিছুকে আমি আমার সহজ ও স্বাভাবিক  পাওনা বলে জানি তা ভিক্ষুর মতন চাইতে আমার যে শুধু লজ্জা করে তাইই নয়, তার সাথে আমার প্রবল ঘেন্নাও ধরে, নিজের উপর, সম্পৰ্কের মেকী রূপের উপর. আমার মন তখন অসম এক বিদ্রোহ শুরু করে.

যে শয্যা অনায়াসে অভিসারিকার পুষ্পশয্যা হতে পারত তাতে যদি অনাদরের কাঁটা বিঁধে থাকে তখন ঘুম তো বহুদূর, তাতে গা ঠেকানোও মুশকিল হয়ে পরে. এতবছর পরেও কেউ তোমার  মন না বুঝলে তোমার মনটা বেশী জটিল না সেই ব্যক্তি বেশী নির্বোধ এই তর্কের চেয়ে বরো হয়ে ওঠে এক নির্লিপ্ত বিষন্নতা. প্রকৃত নিদ্রামগ্ন যে জন, তার নিদ্রাভঙ্গ করার স্পৃহা রাখিনা. পাশ থেকে উঠে যেতে ইচ্ছে করে, জোর করে গায়ে এসে পরা এমন একাকিত্বকে ত্যাগ করে স্বতন্ত্ৰ হতে ইচ্ছে করে, স্থানাভাবে করা হয়না কোনোটাই. শুধু কাঁটার খোঁচা খেতে থাকি বসে বসে.. ক্ষতগুলি আপনি রক্তাক্ত হতে থাকে, উপশমের উপায় থাকেনা, আর ঘুমও আসেনা..কবিগুরুকে আঁকরে ধরে থাকি, প্রার্থনা করি সহ্যশক্তি লাভের, বেদনালাঘবকারী ঘুমের. কোনোটাই ওপরমহলের মন্জুরী পায়না. আমি দহনের ঠিক মাঝখানে বসে রাত্রিযাপন করি. আমি ভিক্ষাবৃত্তি জানিনা. তার দাম দিতে জানি.
সে খুব ন্যায্যমূল্য নয়. সেসবত কাহিনী সুখের নয়... 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Images & Reflection

Buy me a mirror, but it must be a special one. where i can see only one reflection and only one silhouette. Buy me a mirror where only the true heart would reflect, not mere images but the emotions. I wish to see beyond what eyes could see, i wish to dream beyond what mind can dream. I explore to find myself, i travel just to come back home, i split to recollect, i separate to reunite. Is there any mirror to show all of these? Build me one then love. That would be the dream gift, the most precious one.
I'v foreseen light in you, i'v foreseen greatness in you long long back. That time life use to be a lot simpler. I still wish i could be that girl again. I miss that simplicity. I miss being me. Is there a mirror that can reflect me back? That foresight has no imagery apart from you.

You are my sun, and your window is the east.
Let there be light in me. Lett me become your image.
Take me to your mirror. Let me be the reflection that the world looks upon.
Let there be us. I'm THAT mirror.
Look at me, look in me.

Monday, April 13, 2015


তোকে রোজ চিঠি লিখি. পরার সময় তোর হয়না হয়ত, হয়ত বা ইচ্ছে হয়না কখনো. সময় ফুরিয়ে আসছে. দিন.কমে যাচ্ছে. কথা কমতে কমতে নির্বাক হয়ে আসছে, দেখা হওয়ার দিনগুলো অদেখা হতে হতে হতাশ হয়ে হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে ক্রমে. একটা সময় ছিল আমায় না দেখে একটা গোটা দিন কাটাতে পারতিসনা তুই. রোজ বায়না করতিস বুকে মুখ গোঁজা আবদারি প্রেমের, বায়না করে থেকেছি কত রাত আমিও, সেসব.রাতের শেষে কিজানি এক যাদুমন্ত্রে বৃষ্টি নামত ঠিক. কেবলই তুই আর আমি দেখেছি সেই বৃষ্টি একে অপরের চোখে..আদুরে সেসব দিনগুলোকে আমরা এখন ইতিহাসের পাতার ফাঁকে গুঁজে রাখি.
জমি ছারতে ছারতে দুজনে প্রায় সমান্তরালে এসে দাঁরিয়েছি. তুই বলছিস মাথা তুলে ভালোভাবে দাঁরাতে তোর আরো জমি প্রোয়োজন.
দূরত্ব আরোই বারবে তবে,সময়ের সাথে ফাটলের মত. আমি কিন্তু চিঠি লিখেই যাব. রোজকার মত.
ভাবব একদিন তুই পরবি. একদিন আবার তোর কাছে আবদার করা যাবে. একদিন তোর সবগুলো না হ্যাঁ হয়ে যাবে.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


 চীরসখা হে, ছেরোনা, ছেরোনা মোরে...
সংসার গহনে...
নির্ভয়, নির্ভর, নির্জন, স্বজনে...
চীরসখা হে....ছেরোনা...

Friday, April 3, 2015

কবিকে নদীর চিঠিখানি

ডাক এসেছে, চলে যেতে হবে. মন খারাপের পালা শুরু হল এই.সব মন খারাপের শুরুটা এমনি কিছু নীরবতা থেকে হয় প্রতিবার.
কিছু মানুষ আমার মতন হয়, ছাপোষা, সাধারণ, কমদামি..কিছু মানুষ তোর মতন হয়, বৃহত্তর পৃথিবীর নাগরিক, বিশ্ব পথের পথিক, আবার পথিকৃতও বটে.
জানি তুই মনে মনে কষ্ট পেয়েছিস. কিন্তু সোনা ঘুরি যখন মাঝ আকাশে ওরে তখন লাটাই এর সব সুতো ছেরে দিতে হয়, এটুকু আমি বুঝি.

স্বৰ্গলাভ সবার জন্নে নয় প্রিয়, বিশেষ করে ডানা যখন একজোরাই. দুজনের ভার বওয়া অসম্ভব. যার যোগ্যতা বেশী তাকে না বেঁধে রেখে এগিয়ে যেতে দিলে তবেই তো প্রেমের স্বাৰ্থকতা. আমি যে তোকে বড্ড ভালোবাসি.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

রবিঠাকুরকে মেঘবালিকার চিঠি..

মায়াবন বিহারীণী হরিনি,
গহন স্বপন সঞ্চারিণী,
মিছে তোরে ধরিবারে করি পণ,
মায়াবন বিহারীণী..


কবিগুরু, কেবল তুমি বোঝো,
আর কাউকে বোঝাতে আমি পারিনা.

আমি খুউব খুউব সাধারন, তোমার বৌঠানের চেয়ে অনেক অনেক বেশী. আমি বোকা নই ঠাকুর, আমার বোধ আছে. তুমিই সেই বোধ বুনে দিয়েছ মনে, সেই কোন ছোটো বয়সে. কেউ আমায় মিথ্যে ভোলালে আমি টের পাই. আমার মনের হাজারটা টুকরো হয়ে যায়. কশ্ট আছে ঠাকুর. প্রকাশ নেই. তুমি একবারটি এসো ঠাকুর, মেয়েবেলাটির মতন, তুমিও জানো তোমায় ছারা আমি বাঁচবনা. আমায় তুমি মুক্তি দাও এসে. এসো একটিবার.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Efforts and truth behind it

You said you will try. You said you will give efforts, you will take initiatives and steps. I know it is not going to happen.
i know you dont have enough emotions to compell you to take measures. I know if i try anymore it will not work for me. The world is collapsing for me.
You say you love me. But it never reaches to your eyes. I wanted to believe. Fact is i cannot.
I'v heard your theories,of papers,and scripts,of sicknesses and medicines. I would want to believe them. You thought i'd be in awe to read them in a public forum. You know nothing about me then. I would have rather sat be your side,stretching my body on yours in a lazy afternoon, and spend time reading them. I would have loved to be their first critic,first admirir and first reader,first fan. Like the wife of the famous poet, mr.goswami. I hope you remember that story. But efforts have always been unidirectional. Instead Of me you chose someone who is an internationally acclaimed figure.
It made me feel hollow, true i dont have acclaimation. True im a nobody. True im a plane jane, i cant help you in your ambition. He can. I admit. You chose well. You became wiser.
your aunt is in post office. I never recieved a letter from that post office,or any other. I hoped someday like a flash of sunlight a letter would come,a letter from you,where you have written your heart out,and will fill me up. But it never came. Iv accepted it never will.
No efforts would be taken.its alright.
Be well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A storyline

Dear you,
im feeling compelled to write this up in your mail, sorry im writing in english.with all the embarrassment in the world i accept, iv find it extremely difficult to comprehend in bangla, i lose words for description. Yes i am ashamed of it,ill try improving. I remember writing long mails to you about an year and a half back. They never recieved any replies though. Broken fragments of a girls heart may not be worth replying to an uprising beautiful author. Yes ill post this one for a change in my raining kingdome, just to let my readers know, i hope they'll forgive my horrible spellings.
remember that night!9th feb2012. Let me walk you back,here,let me hold your pretty fingers and embed them in mine. This walk we take now is worth keeping in the meuseum. The one that exists amongst rainclouds.
i was 68kgs back then. Decent looking. Had long hair, and loved my red long painted fingernails(you too loved them, you said once). I was an msc fellow,doing a paper on cancer,my only dream to get into iisc and focus my life on cancer. I had bestest of people with me. Loving friends who meant the world to me. A family dreaming big things for their girl. I had it all. I had the confidence to shake your guts up and enough so u'd be bound to come and surrender. Yes it took a few months after that first kiss to get you on your knees. Remember my birthday, when you decided to fuck your ego and get the ring on my fingers. Yes it was a fairytale. I  was a cloud princess, singing and writting my heart out to you, you were a prince(my prince i thought) Making love to the princess in their porche(yes, im refering to your bed). It was a beautiful dream come true perception. Sweet scent of our pespires and lovelinessess still lingers in some lone corner of that room. Your little pet knows the smell. Iv let you drink me, to take me in.and i use to inhase you in every breath. Yes i remember, you smelled like spices.

Darling sooner or later reality comes along to wake us up from our fairytale dreams. It is a sickness, like your gastritis and my asthma. It makes us suffer in the worst possible ways and we still learn to live with it. And when sickness as such sets in even the rarest of angels fall. It was an illness that came slowly like a slithering assassine. It killed the prince first,to top it all it brought along a demon. That demon had that face. My prince's face. So began the game of powerplay,of hide and seek,of deception.
women are stronger dear, at least those who have a heart of a lady. They may appear fragile, you never know their streangth, unless they leave you fighting for yourself. The princess was a worrior and she fought her way to death. A winter came and the demon cut her heart out and fed on it, while she was sleeping. Demons are stealthy, and dishonest. They have no honor. They are weak than those who they kill. They need to keep on eating brave hearts to exist. They are a pitty.

February 2015, Im a marketting executive In a startup house where i need to travel like a cartwoman. From here to there,back and forth,iv came miles away from my books. Yes all because i was busy fighting your demons in your kingdome. I couldnt leave the place only to see it become a desertland, our castle to become a haunted house with merely ghosts of past in them.
My hair is up my shoulder,and my nails are perfectly chewed. It is a disgrace for any nail paint,hence it wont stay more than a day. im 84kgs Now. People say when you are depressed, and stressed beyond your life, you eat junk, and you become a junk as well.  Im fat,the mirror tells me do disappear in my misery,and not to look back. Im scared to open my cloths. It goes unnoticed my sleeveless and deep cut dresses are now being tailored as all covered one. Im scared one day soon ill lose all my hair but may grow Moustaches soon. That too with grey hairs in it.(sorry bout the dry humor).
I hoped beyond hope that things would work out. I was patient and gave all i can. I really wanted it to. But dreams are just dreams, and you gotta let go before they turn into nightmares and choak you in your sleep. You know the feeling, u'v been through it.
I prefer stories, the way they are told has something to touch,feel,smell, and taste, the way they are human, the way each word becomes a moment. In time dear, in time. I suck at saying goodbyes and parting words. Im an asshole in it. But im a fare storyteller(with acknowledgement or without)..
Now, let our fingers reunite again,im sure the've parted during the walk,it was Long n tiring. One kiss on each fingertip. Here i let lose of it. Be well.
N.B: Now i leave the rest on the readers emagination. And if no tears are shed during the readtime, you know where you stand.
Love and respect.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


my heart was breaking as i was surfing through each and every single word. I know what this post was all about,i can still hear my ribs after other..thunderclouds are storming up the way to my throat. No luck bitch!!!no easy let out for you.
Im always secondary,always..i knew this. And im a loner. All my life after some point i leave only with myself. Iv tried relationships. When they didn't work out, i tried blaming it on me. Iv tried hard. It is of no use. It turned out to be it was not my fault afteral. And being loner is beter than living with lies.
lies..yes, i hate them. Hate the fact that no asshole has the guts to speak up. filthy lies.
i met the girl i once was today. It aint worth the visit. Pray temme what would stupid tearsheds will bring. They bring emotions,and stupidity.
i must stop visiting the memoires. They are no longer realistic. Everything changed. So did i..
Hotelrooms, buses,trains,cabs and lousy after the running around like the winds now. I am afterall a cloud..a homeless along,fly along with time.. And release..

she will never write a single word for me, matter what she says..the ornamental juvenile deceptions. Not me. Not worth the wait.
she will afterall never write,never, the way he does. No one ever will.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

মন খারাপের শুরুটা কীভাবে হয়???
তুই বুঝবি না. আমিও বোঝাতে পারবনা.
বাদ দে. ভেবে লাভ নেই.
আমি না থাকলেও তুই ভালোই থাকবি.
আমি আসলে কারুর কেউ নই.
তাই আমার মনের দায় কারো না.
আমি দায় চাপাইও নি কখনো.
আমি চলে যাব. তোরা ভালো থাক.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

time flies

It's almost been a week now, since i'v felt myself breathing in your arms,
almost a week since u'v touched my lips, not even with your trembling gentle fingers,
almost a week since i'v spent my cozy and lazy afternoons all wrapped up in the sweet stench of your being... almost a week...Sigh!
No matter how much i try to deceive myself, i fail to dissociate Me, from all that loveliness i thought was there in my life..Presumptions!

Time continues to fly away in number of counting weeks, and days, and minutes and even in seconds...i stare hopelessly at the wall clock like i use to many months back. it ain't a pretty sight. I so wish i could have it caged, all that we had, the good and the best, locked in a chest, hidden safely somewhere.

Words are becoming silent gradually. All the efforts made and sweet nothings said to each other are now becoming fragmented, broken into bits and pieces, never-ending chat-lines are converting themselves into unnecessary courteous word exchanges.
I love you for giving me a beautiful dream, a more meaningful something which i could hold onto...and I hate you for making all of it become mundane in due course of time....

Fragmentation is the primary symptom of any disease, and diseased is what we have become..Two diseased souls separated by the universes, united in their agonies...
Even the agony becomes something to cherish sometimes, something to cling onto... A friend taught me this.

I know more such weeks are yet to pass by,and more agony will come along, to find there remorse, to justify themselves, and i must be patient, i must hang on, as i'm the only one left to listen to them.

Come back in good times love, and in the fondest memories...Take care.

Monday, January 12, 2015

funeral notice

Some people are there in my life,
they are not just people, but chaos
and they never seem to go..

but they have to, they must go.
it will happen very soon.

Friday, January 2, 2015

A new Dawn awaits

i dunno how to begin and what to begin with....another year gone,another approached. One learning it gave me....nothing in this universe stays empty, not even an absolute golden rule, things get replaced, people get new faces, relationships get new name and even feelings convert...Someone has to leave in order to make room for someone else...Change is a constant paradigm. Years come and go, its just a matter of time, and with time and experiences the prototype undergoes frameshifts and scaffolding.
The year 2014 when it came was as insignificant as my present time mental state, but now when i look back (Ya! i do that a lot!) im surprised beyond anything to find out some real time frame-shifts. I am not that girl i once was anymore, im somewhat with more grey hair, not on the outside though, but when I come in vicinity with Me, i can not count all that grey, it gets tiring.
Jake! you left!like everyone else...I know I had pushed you away, I know you had to go.....Its just my visit to my memory lanes remind me of, and then again life had taught me in hardest way promises are meant to be broken...Not that you intended to, but a break is a break enough just to bring you back to your deadeyne
, where you no longer can live in deception. And people call Me Poser!!!i laugh...dunno what else to do.
This year taught me one more thing, the best answer to all the pain is laugh, so i laugh it all away, and the best answer to anger, misjudgement and failure is patience, so i sleep on them...
Phishy boy, i miss the laughter in you mischievous eyes..My heart Yearns to see you happy, and your smile come up to your eyes once again.
This years has given me friends in a place where friendship was least expected. Naveen, Vijay, Aniket, i hope you stay for a while...Im getting too used to our stupid crazy laughter, naughty conversations and all that good thing. Friendship heals a lot, and a lot faster, its true.2014 taught me....
Babe! You're an Adonis, and you've been living at a substantial distance..where the longinquity has always been so high how can i not see that i had always lived in the outskirts of your heart, never been an insider, and never i will be..At times the bewildered eyes do not see beyond mere perceptions. I have been blind likely.
I am slowly and gradually retiring, withdrawing myself from all your essence, all the bewilderment, and from the outside world. I am retiring to my abode in my core, where words dwell deeper than those who carry them. I am going away. No one shall ever notice before i remove my last stench from the quintessential surrounding. I am sorted.
I am going to make this look like an evolution, you will never know, no one would ever feel that something is wrong when i am not around, ill make it natural, just like gone winds, rains, summers, winters and gone time.
This is my resolution for 2015. As the dawn approaches let me touch the light, and become one with it.
