Sunday, October 25, 2015

Its a capitalist world..

Its a capitalist world.
There is nothing called unconditional. People dont help you, they either do a favour on you or they do business.
As for those who do a favour they basically take pitty on you. And another agenda is there. A hidden one. Pick up a fight with people who do you a favour. Then you will get to see the hidden truth. They will take up every events and say it out loud about how they have "helped" you out when you were in need. They will make you understand how you being a selfish manupulative bitch have played with their emotions and used them as resource and drained them out and then disposed them off like piece of shit. Yes some like to play victim. Its an awekward massocism which makes them feel better, pure and in way superior. Some like to act as saint or atleast think of themselves that way. They want you to feel obliged, hence understand any shit and every shit.. When you refuse to accept some you will be reminded of all that times that they have spent on you selflessly, sacrificing their entire lives for you. Basically this time they expect you to feel guilty about a sin that you have not even comitted. When you try to talk sense in them they will point you out for treating them like pigs when all the time you were fighting against them. The reason of fight does not matter much. Because no one truely cares, they only do you a favour so you must feel endebt. Human rights 101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marriage!!!!! A filthy word that changes everything. A soon to be married person has only one identity, only one relation. Others are either favoured endebt people or business allies!!!

And ah the business world!!!! Mode of payment includes not only cash, but anything and everything. And mode of servitued is equally diversified. The one who pays expects equilibrium in services. The service provider must not fail to meet up the clients expectations. The human life is a service industry. Everyone is a resource. Everyone is a commodity. Everyone is a servant. Everyone is at sale. Everyone is a buyer. They only differ in forms and shapes.

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